Friday, June 3, 2016

A Month of Blessings

This has indeed been a month of blessings. We spent the final weeks in Granite Bay saying goodbye to our dear friends there....definitely harder for me than I thought.  We were set apart at the Rocklin Stake Center by President Sean Murphy.  We have had close connections with him for many, many years so having him set us apart was very meaningful to us.  He spent over an hour sharing with us the joys and anticipations that lie ahead.  We are so grateful for his kindness and goodness.  He is a wonderful servant of the Lord and we are so blessed to be under his spiritual tutelage.  He is indeed a blessing in our lives.

That same week we experienced yet another blessing as Libby and David and Kate were able to take our luggage for England to Utah  so we did not have to lug an extra 300 pounds of luggage to Boston. Our first stop on the road to our mission was in Boston to attend the blessing of Chris and Jenna's new sweetheart Hannah Joy who was born on Valentines Day. How perfect is that?  She is the sweetest most calm little soul and we soaked up every moment we could with her and her brother and sister. Oh my we do love those Littles!!

Hannah's Blessing Day April 10, 2016

 We went to the movies together....

And Mary Claire turned THREE in her Elsa wig and princess dress 
pushing her new baby buggy!!

And while all this occurred in Boston, out west a celebration of it's own was in order as Joseph and Ana-Lisa welcomed their firstborn, Henry Michael Mullen on Thursday April 7th.  Gratefully he came safely.  We were so very thankful for that blessing.  Mom and Dad were definitely smitten as were all of us!!

Meet Henry Michael Mullen....sooo cute!!

As these new lives entered our little family we also had the opportunity to connect with heaven as we laid the headstone for Gram's grave.  It has literally been years in the making but the final product is so representative of who she was and still is to our family...I miss her so very much.  I have LOVED having this month with my siblings.  We missed having Sherry and Sue there with us.  I am so grateful to be able to share life and heaven with these souls.

So the blessings just kept pouring in....Chris and Jenna and the kids joined us in Utah for Joseph's graduation.  How fun was that to be all together?  THE BEST!!  We attended Joseph's graduation from the BYU Marriott School of Business majoring in marketing and Pre-dental.  He will be attending UCLA School of Dentistry beginning in September of this year.  Well done Joseph!!

Then we spent the weekend soaking in every moment possible.  How grateful we are that Chris and Jenna joined us.  Memories to hold us for the next 18 months!!

Brothers and Cousins...does the mother heart good!!

The flowers at Temple Square were stunning...the family even moreso!

Giggling cousins!

Grampas and much fun!!

Then that glorious weekend continued with the blessing of little Henry and the celebration of Ana-Lisa's birthday!!  A glorious weekend indeed!!



  1. Loved it and can't wait for the next update!

  2. Loved it and can't wait for the next update!

  3. Love this! So grateful I get to share your journey 💕
