Sunday, July 2, 2017

Love from London

It has been a busy few months for the Mullen Missionaries.  We have had a lot of visitors which allows us the opportunity to share this wonderful experience with those we love. Our adopted girl Amanda and her family came to see us in March, My sisters, neice, and brother in law came in April.  May found us welcoming Cori's son John and Ash and their family, then our friend from years ago in the Berkeley University Singles Ward Lisa Hansen and her daughter,  followed by a way too short but very sweet visit from Chris and Jenna.  Then in June we welcomed my cousin Gail and her husband and we currently have the Wersky's, our junior high band teacher in Granite Bay staying with us and exploring the United Kingdom.  It has been fun to share with all of them this city we have come to know and love and even more importantly the people who have come to mean so much to us here.  It has been a very busy time as we continue to serve six days a week at the Visitors Center and to offer any support we can to the young sisters we have the privilege of serving with, to investigators who come to the center for lessons, and to ward members living here locally.  We love welcoming visitors each day.  The summer months are wonderful as our number of visitors increases significantly. They come from all corners of the world.  Our lack of foreign language skills has taught us to rely even more on the Spirit to teach those who come to the Visitors Center.  We have found the spirit to be the most powerful teacher of truth.  We knew that before coming on our mission but we have been reminded of it on a daily basis here.  We have also loved getting to know the other senior missionary couples serving here as public affairs, self reliance, mission office, pathways,YSA, and family history missionaries.  We are blessed to hold Family Home Evening with them once a month at the Hyde Park Chapel.  What a joy it is to serve alongside such wonderful souls.

It has been a particularly sweet weekend at the Hyde Park Chapel. Yesterday we were able to experience the baptism of Victoria by her husband Alexander. Alexander came in to the Visitors Center a couple of months ago and indicated that he was a member of the church that had gone into inactivity and now desired to come back home. We were thrilled for him to say the least and welcomed him with open arms. He was engaged to Victoria at the time and wanted to bring her along on this journey back to Jesus Christ. These two love birds were married just three weeks ago. Alexander met with the Bishop just after coming to the chapel and they have both met with missionaries over the past two months. During that process we have come to know and love them dearly.  Victoria gave up smoking, alcohol, and coffee all within that time. And yesterday Alexander led his sweet wife into the waters of baptism and baptized her a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Such a powerful sweet experience for us to watch their journey. Then today she was confirmed a member of the church. She calls me her American Mum and asked if I would speak at her baptism. I spoke on the Holy Ghost and was prompted while writing my talk to compare the Holy Ghost to having a royal guardsman of our own just like those guards who protect the Royal Family here in England. Little did I know until after the meeting that Victoria's Father was actually a member of the Royal Guard. It was a perfect analogy for her and a tender mercy for me. Amir, seen in white as well, was also baptized.  He has been taking the missionary lessons from Sisters Wallace and Prach, sisters currently serving in the Visitors Center with us. Amir experienced so much opposition leading up to his baptism but was so full of light following his baptism and shared with us the peace he felt within his heart. Such a beautiful thing to witness.

Sister Prach, Alexander, Victoria, Amir, Alexander, Sister Wallace

Victoria and Alexander on the day of her baptism

Victoria and Her American "Mum"
Then today in Sacrament Meeting they both were confirmed and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Later this afternoon we had two more baptisms at the Chapel.  It brings such energy to the chapel and such a spirit of peace and unity in the Gospel.  We love it.  Victoria and Amir are members of the Hyde Park 2nd Ward.  The other two baptized today, Lloyd and Clarissa, are members of the Young Single Adult ward that meets here. Their stories are remarkable as well.
We love our mission.  We love London.  Yes it has been interesting to be here where terrorist attacks are occurring more often than anyone would like.  The Grenfell Tower fire occurred within our ward boundaries and we are still feeling the effects and aftermath of that terrible event.  We ache for several members of our ward who lived in the building next to Tower and witnessed horrific things that night.  We wrap our arms around them and love them and lift them in whatever way we can.  
Yes, we miss our friends and family immensely.  We left Hannah and Henry, our youngest grandchildren, at two months and three weeks old respectively.  Now they are both walking.  God is good though.  He gave us FaceTime.  We could not be more grateful.  We would encourage any of our friends to put a senior mission on their bucket list. It is an incredible experience that we thank the Lord for each and every day.


  1. Lovely! Everything about your experience oozes goodness and love. Couples missions really are the best. Too bad it takes until you are actually on one to truly understand how fulfilling of an experience it is!

    We love and miss you!

  2. I love your example, your spirit, and your love for the work and the people. Thank you for taking the time to write this beautiful post.
    (Have you heard the rumors? They are true. The Hoffman's are moving to South Lake Tahoe in August and September...that's not too far from our Granite Bay family:-) Love, Pam H.

  3. Thank you for sharing these stories!! Love these blog posts - you are such wonderful examples to us of service and sacrifice. We love you!

  4. I loved reading this! Thank you for your bright hope and loving, serving hands. We sure love and miss you!

  5. Love, love, love feeling a part of the wonderful work you are doing. We all knew you would be FABULOUS missionaries...Well done!
    Sure miss you in GB!
