Monday, October 17, 2016

Hyde Park Chapel Visitors Center

Our home away from home here in London is the Hyde Park Chapel Visitors Center located on Exhibition Road in Kensington just up the street from the South Kensington Tube Station.  It is steps away from the Victoria and Albert Museum, across the street from the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum and just down the road from Hyde Park. Wow.  Location...Location...Location.  

When the chapel was first built there was not a single church member within 7 miles of the building site but President McKay, the President of the Church at the time, saw what it would... and has become.  It is said that about 11 million people pass by the Visitors Center each year.  We are the fortunate ones that have the privilege of welcoming them should they decide to come through those doors.  It is the only Visitors Center in our church which is attached to a Chapel making it a very busy place for members and nonmembers alike.  The Christus stands in the corner beckoning all who pass to Come Unto Christ.

The directors of the Visitors Center are Elder and Sister Hulet from Upland California. They have welcomed us here with open arms and we are ever grateful for their good hearts and their tutelage.  What a privilege it is to serve with them!!

We are scheduled to be at the Visitors Center 6 hours a day six days a week.  Our preparation day wherein we are not required to be there is on Thursday.  There are also various other meetings which we attend throughout the week.  So it is busy but a very gooooood busy.  The Visitors Center is open from 9 am to 9 pm 7 days a week.  So the duty of keeping the Center scheduled with missionaries can be a daunting task for the Hulets each week.  Our schedule changes from week to week.  We either serve on the 9 to 3 pm shift or the 3 to 9 pm shift except on Mondays when the schedule changes around as this is the young sister missionaries' Preparation Day so the Visitors Center is staffed by the three senior missionary couples only.

The young sister missionaries bring such joy to the Visitors Center and to our lives.  There are always 8 sisters assigned to the Center and anywhere from 2 to 4 more who are sent temporarily out to other parts of the mission to experience the more typical mission.  

Introducing our Visitors Center Staff
Front Row Left to Right:
Sisters Wai, Croft, Griffeth, Von Neiderhausern, Hannig, Kerr, Apiyo, Lung
Back Row Left to Right:
Elder and Sister Neeley, Elder and Sister Hulet, Elder and Sister Mullen

As you could probably guess from the picture...we are in love.  Such a blessing it is to serve here as we invite others to Come Unto Christ.  Blessings abound indeed.

If you would like to see some of the videos we present at the center simply click on this link and click on videos.  Of special interest to us when we came were the ones on the History of the Chapel and of the Church in England.


  1. Thanks for the glimpse into what you do over there! Love you!

  2. How fun and wonderful. I am so glad you are there for those who may be searching. Love and miss you, Karen Leavitt

  3. So fun to see pictures and hear about what you two are busy doing in London. Keep up the good work! Miss you guys!

  4. It is so great to see you are having such a great experience. We are counting the days for you to come back
    Bob & Wendy
