Saturday, October 22, 2016

Inviting Others to Come Unto Christ

Each week at our Visitors Center Training Meeting we begin by reciting our purpose which states:

Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the End.  In the England London mission we teach repentance and baptise converts.  Obedience is the price, Faith is the Power, Love is the Motive, the Spirit is the Key and Christ is the Reason.

It is such a perfect reminder of why we are here.  At the Visitors Center we give tours to those who come through our doors.  If they so desire they complete a referral card with their name and contact information.  Our job, we believe is to be an appropriate conduit for the spirit.  And we can testify that miracles happen.

One of our first tender mercies in our mission happened as we met this sister who was serving with us at the VC.  Her name is Sister Lung and she is from Hong Kong.  As we were chatting and just getting to know each other we found out that she had been converted to the church when she was 10 years old.  I told her that my niece Kate Connors had served a mission in Hong Kong about that time and asked if she by any chance knew her.  Guess What!?!?!  Not only did she know her but Kate is one of the sisters who taught her and was at her baptism.  The next day Sister Lung brought in a card she had received from the missionaries on the day of her baptism.  Sure enough, there was Kate's well wishes and signature.  Oh my.  So we texted Kate and she expressed how very much it had meant to her as doubts had crept in over the years as many she had taught the Gospel to fell away from the church.  Now here was one of her converts on a mission herself.  And what a powerful missionary she is.  Thank you Kate Connors for your faithful service that now is reaping wonderful rewards as Sister Lung so diligently brings others here in London unto Christ.

The card my niece had given to Sister Lung 10 years ago on the day of her baptism.

Each day we are given the privilege of moments like these where in Sister Kerr from Mesa, AZ and Sister Apiyo from Uganda embrace, Book of Mormon always in hand.  Love this!!

We have also discovered another sweet bonus to serving here in London.  We get to see lots of familiar faces as they travel through or work in London.  Such a gift to our hearts.  
Thank you Heavenly Father for good friends in our lives.  We consider friends to be one of God's greatest gifts to us here on earth.

Kexin and Nathan Smith are living in London.  
Our son Joseph stood in the circle to confirm her a member of the church during their freshman year at BYU and was also her dance partner on several occasions.  
Small world.

Matt Kern is here on an internship this summer.  His dad is a lifelong friend of Ann Marie's from Pittsburgh and baptized her brother-in-law David Connors.  So fun to spend time with him this summer.

Our first weekend in London there were four, count them FOUR,  baptisms at the Hyde Park Chapel.  The baptistry is behind beautiful sliding wooden doors right in the Visitors Center.  So we are able to partake often of the spirit that accompanies such glorious occasions.  It is particularly powerful for those who come in from the street to take a tour and are then able to witness a baptism.  This day a couple, Hasaan and Malood, originally from Iran, entered the waters of baptism after having been taught by Elders Lindsey and Tragante.  I was able to welcome Malood as she stepped out of the water with a dry towel. Tears of joy streamed down her face.  I reminded her never to forget how she felt at that moment.  The next week when we came to church we hardly recognized Hasaan as he had shaven his beard and cut his hair.  When I commented about the change he told me that he was clean on the inside and he had decided to make the outside match the inside.  Wow!! We have grown to love this sweet couple and have had them to our flat for dinner and Family Home Evening. What a blessing it is to serve!  As it is with most service we are the beneficiaries!!

Hasaan and Malood on their baptism day

Yes, the opportunity to invite others to come unto Christ is an amazing experience for us.  We will treasure this time in our life always!!


  1. What a marvelous work and a wonder that you are there doing what you are doing! You inspire us! And we are scheming to be one of those people who pas through London and visit your charming little flat <3 Love you!

  2. Ann Marie, thanks so much for your service as you've recorded it in this blog. Your words lifted me this morning! Love you :) ~Heidi

  3. I just got goosebumps all over when I read of your connection with the sister missionary from Hong Kong. Tender mercies abound! Thanks again for sharing!

  4. A person cannot help but get very emotional and be able to see the hand of the Lord while reading your blog. What wonderful experiences you are able to have through your service. We think this is just the start of being able to see many miracles and tender mercies. Thank you for sharing. You two are the greatest!!

  5. Dear Elder and Sister Mullen, We are thrilled to learn of your mission in London. Just reading your blog we are reminded of your wonderful friendship to us and your generosity to us and others especially missionaries. Missions are filled with extraordinary blessings and you now know that too. Our best wishes and love to both of you as you continue in London. Dan and Pat Bachman
